2.11.2020 A reMarkable integration story to be? integration Brukeropplevelse Remarkable Espen Klem No distractions. Only me and my reMarkable. Doing remarkable work. And then what? My lifeline to the connected world? Is e-mail? I want my drawings connected and integrated. To where I do the rest of my work. What could that cloud service be? What about an automation tool? An earlier take on reMarkable and integration Om forfatteren Espen Klem Interaction designer. Draw a lot to validate ideas and communicate better. User insight, concept work and detailed interaction design. Code on my spare time to test ideas.
1.4.2020 The visual alphabet — Your building blocks to draw quickly An article based workshop where you'll learn the basics for drawing to communicate. Because anybody can make them selves understood through drawings. integration Brukeropplevelse Remarkable
7.4.2019 Why draw to communicate A tutorial on why we recommend you to draw when communicating. By Espen Klem from Knowit. integration Brukeropplevelse Remarkable