2.11.2020 A reMarkable integration story to be? integration Brukeropplevelse Remarkable Espen Klem No distractions. Only me and my reMarkable. Doing remarkable work. And then what? My lifeline to the connected world? Is e-mail? I want my drawings connected and integrated. To where I do the rest of my work. What could that cloud service be? What about an automation tool? An earlier take on reMarkable and integration Om forfatteren Espen Klem Interaction designer. Draw a lot to validate ideas and communicate better. User insight, concept work and detailed interaction design. Code on my spare time to test ideas.
7.4.2019 Why draw to communicate A tutorial on why we recommend you to draw when communicating. By Espen Klem from Knowit. integration Brukeropplevelse Remarkable
9.12.2019 Simplify and differentiate — How to simplify and when to add details A guide on how to simplify and add details when drawing. from Espen Klem at Knowit. integration Brukeropplevelse Remarkable