Best of: January 2020
Happy New Year and welcome to the roaring '20s 🥂!
The biggest event for Knowit so far this year was our internal annual conference, Knowit Developer Summit. It took place in Bergen, where over 40 talks were held by Knowit employees 💫!
Here comes a selection of talks produced in January 2020. Once you’re done with these, check out Knowit’s YouTube channel, where you will find over 100 more videoes on technology, business, and creativity.
Happy watching, and be on the lookout for more content from us🔥!

Christian Egeberg — Processing of Industrial IoT data streams 🇬🇧
This talk is about how to utilize rapidly streaming sensor values for more than just trivial value limit alerts. Parts architecture, temporary storage, precalculation, aggregation, performance, and scaling. It is based on real-world project experience during the last couple of years.
Viktor Sandström Romild — React eller Vue? 🇸🇪
Under 2019 deltog ca 90 000 utvecklare i en omröstning kring vilket webb-ramverk de gillade bäst. React.js hamnade på plats 1 med Vue.js hack i häl efter sig på plats 2 (Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019). Vad är React och Vue? Vad är de främsta egenskaperna som skiljer dem åt? Vilket av dem lämpar sig bäst för ditt teams nästa frontend-projekt? Häng med på en jämförande upptäcktsfärd där vi söker efter svaren!
Marcus Grenängen — The dangers of closed source and software as a service 🇬🇧
SAAS and the government's influence over companies in a direct and indirect way are actually hurting people and businesses in various countries around the world and increasing the digital divide. This talk will take a look at why SAAS, especially around closed source software and services might actually be a really bad idea. Imagine the US introducing an embargo or sanctions against Sweden or any of the other Nordic countries, Microsoft and other large corporations will be forced to follow this. What will you do without access to GitHub, Office365, Azure and other cloud-based software and SAAS solutions?
Andreas Garmannslund — Identity and access management with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect 🇬🇧
Identity and access management can be overwhelming for developers who are unfamiliar with the field due to the amount of domain-specific vocabulary. In this talk, we will focus on the OAuth 2.0 framework and the OpenID Connect protocol. Hopefully, at the end of this talk, you will have a basic understanding and foundation to build upon in this field.
Anders Thorbeck — Beyond JUnit: Writing automated tests for every layer of your application 🇬🇧
Unit testing is a well known and widely followed practice these days. But how do you go about testing the functionality that spans the borders of your application? How do you test your database constraints, your database access code, your API endpoints, and the interoperability between your different independently deployed services?