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2023 Cybersecurity Forecast: Navigating the Evolving Threat Landscape

A blog post coving the threat landscape predictions for 2023. Cloud, AI, GDPR, IoT Resilience

How can Enterprise Architecture save your IoT initiative?

Technical complexity, lack of competence, and unclear business strategy are among the main challenges companies face when dealing with Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives. How to reduce risk and...

Hvordan gjøre risikovurdering av IoT-anskaffelser?

Bloomberg kunne i mars i år avsløre et cyberangrep som ga hackere direkte tilgang til videostrømmer fra 150.000 internett-tilknyttede videokamera fra oppstartsselskapet Verkada. Angriperne har...

Industrial IoT in a nutshell

Industrial IoT explained in a short article by Christian Egeberg from Knowit.

Strategies for processing industrial IoT data streams

Processing data is complicated and comprehensive. Here is an article based on a video presentation about processing of industrial IoT data streams.

Processing of industrial IoT data streams

Proceccing industrial IoTdata can be a complicated and comprehensive process. Here are some tips on the way.