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A roman general and an enterprise architect walk into a bar…

Etablering av virksomhetsarkitektur-funksjon i egen virksomhet. Anna skriver om pragmatismens nytteverdi og deler 5 tips for en bedre etableringsprosess.

Trust me, I’m a doctor.

What can Architecture Governance learn form the management of the Covid 19 Pandemic?

“It depends…” About settling which technology is better

“It depends…” About settling which technology is better

How can Enterprise Architecture save your IoT initiative?

Technical complexity, lack of competence, and unclear business strategy are among the main challenges companies face when dealing with Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives. How to reduce risk and...

The Architecture Board – A Bouncer or a Nurse?

Nina Nurse and Barry Bouncer, you both work with what is called ‘enforcement of architecture compliance’ which is one of many responsibilities of the Architecture Board. Could you tell me in one...

You cannot KEEP it simple, if it's already complex!

The “Keep It Simple Stupid” principle, also known as KISS, is only partly applicable to Enterprise Architecture, or any other architecture discipline actually. A more accurate expression would be...